First I hope to learn in this lesson What is Multimedia and Interactive Learning and how multimedia and interactiver learning help us to study.

Accroding to Richard E. Mayer’s (2014)report, He defines multimedia as a form of expression that simultaneously presents a variety of images (including static, dynamic and tabular), video (including animation) and text (including oral and printed text). (Mayer 2014,p.4). Mayer has good explanation of what multimedia is. It also made me feel the diversity of multimedia, and the fun of multimedia and interactive learning.
And, by reading Mayer’s (2014) articles, I know a lot about the principles of multimedia and interactive learning. For example: Segmenting Principle, Personalization principles, Signaling principle, Redundancy principle, Coherence Principles. All of these principles will help and influence the multimedia materials that we create.
Similarly in our learning process we need a lot of interesting learning tools instead of just reading boring textbooks. For example, our brightspace is a very simple and clear way to organize all our courses. During the epidemic zoom even helped us to study online and even to record lectures. You can watch it again and again, which I think this point is more helpful than offline courses. All these tools can be used in the creation of materials.
Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
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