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Category: Assignment 1 – Blog Posts

Blog 7 – Life Long Learning

Through this lesson, I learned the great role of multimedia learning in teaching and learning, and I can even say that multimedia learning is an essential part of teaching and learning, and also let me feel the diversity of multimedia and the fun of multimedia and interactive learning. I also learned a lot about the theory of multimedia learning, which I can combine and apply in the process of producing multimedia learning, which can make my multimedia teaching more efficient and attractive.

Through its final week of study, The Clark-Kozma Debate, the debate focused on whether new media using the same pedagogy would lead to different learning outcomes. Of course two different outcomes emerged.

  1. If the teaching methods are the same, such as moving from face-to-face lectures to online classes, the learning outcomes don’t vary much.
  2. Learning outcomes can be positively and significantly impacted when newer, more effective multimedia instruction is used.

At the end, what is the next step in the development of multimedia teaching and learning. The answer is artificial intelligence. “Artificial intelligence” is a collection of computer technologies that can perform tasks that simulate human intelligence. Because artificial intelligence is more intelligent than multimedia, it can help better in classroom learning.

photo by AUTHOT 


Kozma, R. B. (1991). Learning with Media. Review of Educational Research, 61(2), 179–211. https://doi.org/10.3102/00346543061002179

The media debate. (n.d.). In EduTech Wiki. Retrieved June 19, 2020, from http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/The_media_debate

Blog 6 – Evaluate Multimedia and Multimedia Tools

Through this week’s study, we focused on how to evaluate multimedia.Because we are exposed to different and various multimedia every day, we need to evaluate multimedia in depth.

First we applied SAMR to evaluate the multimedia,

  • Substitution: It’s like finding a direct replacement, there’s no difference in essence.
  • Augmentation: Find a tool replacement with improved functionality.
  • Modification: It is possible to make significant improvements to a task or even redesign it.
  • Redefinition: It is possible to create a completely different new task.

Secondly the SECTIONS model is used to make effective decisions about the selection and use of teaching and learning media. By reflecting on SECTIONS, we can identify the advantages and disadvantages of each technology and make a more informed choice.

  • S tudents
  • E ase of use
  • C osts
  • T eaching functions
  • I nteraction
  • O rganisational issues
  • N etworking
  • S ecurity and privacy
photo by By Dr. Serhat Kurt

According to the TPACK framework, it suggests that teachers need to understand the intersection of technology, pedagogy, and content so that they can guide and direct scholars to a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. It also describes the interactions of the various aspects thus creating TPACK.

So in conclusion I think SAMR, PTACK, and SECTION are all theory in practice, and they all have the same goal of integrating evolving technology into the classroom, but they have different emphases.


Kurt, S. (2018, May 12). TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework. Educational Technology. https://educationaltechnology.net/technological-pedagogical-content-knowledge-tpack-framework/

SECTIONS Model – Assessing Technologies in the Classroom | Scarfe Digital Sandbox. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://scarfedigitalsandbox.teach.educ.ubc.ca/sections-model-assessing-technologies-in-the-classroom/

Blog 5 – Inclusion & Differentiated Learning

Through this week, I have learned that when we learn to teach and produce multimedia learning methods, all learners should be able to accept or integrate into the teaching environment, including those with disabilities. This is where our multimedia teaching should be very inclusive, which means we need to include all learners in the same educational environment.Because according to the BCTF report, more than 926,100 people in B.C. have varying degrees of disability, meaning that 10% of students in every classroom have special needs.(BCTF, 2019). So designing better education models and accessibility for all students will be very important.

Backward Design (UbD) is a great way to design instruction. Through McTighe and Wiggin’s research, this approach helps students use knowledge in a meaningful way and is divided into three steps. The first step is Identify desired results; the second part is Determine assessment evidence; and the third step is Plan learning experiences and instruction.(McTighe, J.& Wiggins, G. 2013).

Differentiated Instruction (DI) is also a very good teaching method. DI is a very flexible teaching method that can be accessible to different students. Differentiated instruction is based on 6 areas to accomplish. High quality courses; Continuous Assessment; The task of respect; Building Communities; Flexible grouping; Teaching.

Teaching Online Will Make You a Better Teacher in Any Setting
photo By Kevin Gannon


Government of British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/government/about-the-bc-government/accessible-bc/disability-consultation/2019-consultation/framework-for-accessibility-legislation.pdf

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2011). The Understanding by Design guide to creating high-quality units. Alexandria,VA:ASCDhttp://udlresource.ca/2017/12/backward-design/

Stansberry, S. (n.d.). Differentiated Learning with Educational Technology. In Applications of Educational Technology. Oklahoma State University Libraries. Retrieved March 13, 2021, from https://open.library.okstate.edu/applicationsofeducationaltechnology/chapter/chapter-2-differentiated-learning-with-educational-technology/

Blog 4: How to Create Multimedia Learning Objects and Artifacts

In our learning process, we found that learning through multimedia is a very efficient way to learn. At the same time, if we want to have a better learning experience, we need to know more about multimedia design theory and use multimedia tools to complete.

First of all, we need to know some design ideas and principles before we start our instructional design. Accroding to Kurt’s (2015) report, The instructional design principle has 6 parts:

  1. In instructional design. Learners are the most important.
  2. Instructional design must have a clear goal
  3. Instructional design need to show in the real world
  4. Instructional design have to have a reliable and valid way to measure results
  5. Instructional design is empirical
  6. Instructional design usually requires a team effort and teamwork

After understanding the design principles, it is time to use the PowerPoint to present. But showing a good PowerPoint presentation also requires attention to the following points. Accroding to David’s presentation, A good PowerPoint is as concise as possible, with one idea on a page, no more than six objects, and using illustrative images and as little text as possible, It is better not to read the PowerPoint, but to let the audience read it. Make sure the most important things on the slide are the most prominent.


Kurt, S. “Instructional Design Models and Theories,” in Educational Technology, December 9, 2015. Retrieved from https://educationaltechnology.net/instructional-design-models-and-theories/

Blog 3 – How We Study and How We Learn

Study is an essential part of our growth path, but how do we learn, and what methods do we use to learn?

In my learning experience I think the most used learning style is group discussion, in which we can better share ideas and listen to others’ views, and the group can make several people better to complete an assignment, thus enhancing each student’s ability and creativity. According to Bonwell and Eison (1991), It will be very rewarding for students to be in this active and positive learning environment and to think clearly about what they are doing. This approach to learning will also increase students’ interest and participation in the classroom.

Photo by Drazen Zigic

Before this class I always believed in the learning style of doing more practice problems because the more you do the more proficient you will be in mastering what you have learned, but this way of learning is very boring and just to cope with the exam.

At the same time, gamification is a very interesting part of the learning. For example, we often have a lot of interactive sessions in the classroom, where the teacher will make a series of questions into a quiz session and set up a ranking, and the higher ranked students will receive more rewards. Accroding to Game Based Learning. (2021, May), Game-based learning works best when specific learning objectives and outcomes are associated with the classroom. And the games should be fun, but they should also have a clear purpose and clear learning outcomes.

Photo by coscaron


Centre for Teaching Excellence at the University of South Carolina. (2021). Active Learning. https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/cte/teaching_resources/active_learning/index.php

Game Based Learning. (2021, May) University of Toronto. https://guides.library.utoronto.ca/c.php?g=448614&p=3507705

Blog 2 -Multimedia and Interactive Learning

First I hope to learn in this lesson What is Multimedia and Interactive Learning and how multimedia and interactiver learning help us to study.

photo by zhuanlan.zhihu.com

Accroding to Richard E. Mayer’s (2014)report, He defines multimedia as a form of expression that simultaneously presents a variety of images (including static, dynamic and tabular), video (including animation) and text (including oral and printed text). (Mayer 2014,p.4). Mayer has good explanation of what multimedia is. It also made me feel the diversity of multimedia, and the fun of multimedia and interactive learning.

And, by reading Mayer’s (2014) articles, I know a lot about the principles of multimedia and interactive learning. For example: Segmenting Principle, Personalization principles, Signaling principle, Redundancy principle, Coherence Principles. All of these principles will help and influence the multimedia materials that we create.

Similarly in our learning process we need a lot of interesting learning tools instead of just reading boring textbooks. For example, our brightspace is a very simple and clear way to organize all our courses. During the epidemic zoom even helped us to study online and even to record lectures. You can watch it again and again, which I think this point is more helpful than offline courses. All these tools can be used in the creation of materials.


Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547369

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