I wonder if I put a few words here?

Author: chengzhenli (Page 1 of 2)

Assignment 4

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Learning Pod #6 Members


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this content, learners should be able to do the following:

  1. Familiarize themselves with the history and the building blocks of blockchain technology
  2. Understand the basic concepts of blockchain technology
  3. Explain the key functions of blockchain technology
  4. Examine the application of blockchain technology in business today

Required Textbook

Van Rijmenam, M., & Ryan, P. (2018). Blockchain: Transforming Your Business and Our World (1st ed.). Routledge.

This presentation is divided into two parts to enable the learner to easily grasp the contents of the topic.

Part One: Introduction to Blockchain Technology

To better understand the history and the basic concepts of blockchain technology, the learner is encouraged to take their time and read the first two chapters of the book Blockchain Revolution by Tapscott.

To gain an insightful understanding of the technology, watch the following TedTalk video. It will help you to easily understand the concept of blockchain technology.

Part Two: Organizational Impact of Blockchain Technology

Having gained a good understanding of the history and key functions of blockchain technology, we will now look into how disruptive this technology has been to organizations. I would also encourage you to watch the following videos:

Video 1: Why Blockchain Matters More Than You Think – Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Vitalik|Simplilearn

Video 2: The Blockchain Revolution


Having read the book and watched the accompanying videos, you have gained a good understanding of the concept of blockchain technology, including its history. To further master these concepts, take your time to engage with your peers in a discussion on how blockchain technology would disrupt the current job role you are eyeing. 

Content Design

In creating the above learning content, we have incorporated various theories and skills to ensure that the learner would get a quick and easy understanding of the concepts being presented. Principles of learning help us in designing and conducting our research; they are readiness, exercise, effect, primacy, recency, intensity and freedom. To begin with, the application of Cognitive Load Theory is in full exhibition throughout. First, the blockchain technology and blockchain disruption videos were made from PowerPoint slides in which only a single idea was put on every slide so that maximum attention would be drawn towards one controlling idea. This would enable the learner to concentrate on that particular idea and develop in subsequent chronological order within the videos. Secondly, we employed cognitive load theory in the manner in which we presented our learning content. The learning outcomes were separated from other sections. To further enable the learners to pay close attention, the content of our project is divided into two major parts. This ensures that the learner becomes aware that there are two sections to be discussed.

Another theory that we have employed within our presentation is the Redundancy Principle. In the two technological videos, which were through PowerPoint, the material is presented without any sound. This ensures that readers do not become distracted by the voice of the presenter, since our brains operate maximally when presented with two types of information, that is, text and audio or audio and visual. By presenting the visuals and text, the brain of the students can optimally interpret the information being presented thereby enhancing quick and effective learning.

Last but not least, the presentation makes use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) or Universal Instructional Design (UID) principles.

Blockchain technology is a new concept that only exists in the virtual world. No matter how differently each student learns, our design aims to provide all students with a foundational understanding of blockchain. Because UDL is adaptable, it gives us options and alternatives for students with a range of abilities to achieve their learning goals. We also provide learners with prompts for important teaching materials, which can attract learners’ attention and help learners understand the teaching materials. This followed the Signaling Principle.

Game-based Learning

Using proper technology tools in the teaching process is a significant factor in improving students’ learning effectiveness. We have chosen the game-based learning method to motivate the students, enhance their long-term memory, and improve their active learning ability. Specifically, suppose instructors use traditional methods to teach Blockchain Technology. In that case, learners may find it boring; they can’t fully understand the content, and learners may forget the knowledge over time. Thus, game-based learning is one of the great ways to implement Blockchain Technology teaching. Our group chose to use Kahoot as the platform for teaching because it is a game-based learning platform that uses a quiz-style game to let students engage in an interesting way. Additionally, Kahoot leads to the following benefits:  increasing student participation, improving students’ motivation and promoting emotional learning.

If you would like to enhance your memory about the concept of  blockchain technology please try the game we provided below: https://kahoot.it/challenge/05560931?challenge-id=a24c9f4c-0efe-4925-a6a6-d25235d903d8_1655874421458


All in all, after understanding the concept and related theory of block technology, we can find that it has advantages in many business fields. This technology not only has higher trust and security, but also makes the transmission of information and knowledge more efficient. This is exactly what multimedia and interactive learning bring to our lives, making our life and work more easier, efficient, and fun.


Curiosity Stream. (n.d). “Blockchain Revolution.” YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=OwnFf5oZil8

DeBell, A. (2019, December 11). How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. Water Bear Learningwww.waterbearlearning.com/mayers-principles-multimedia-learning/

FlyClipart. (n.d). “Doing Clipart Happy Person – Person Clipart.” www.flyclipart.com/doing-clipart-happy-person-person-clipart-137240

Jarrett, Christian (2020, Nov). Cognitive Load Theory provides a useful framework for understanding the different ways the pandemic could be playing havoc with your mental function. www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20201103-cognitive-load-theory-explaining-our-fight-for-focus

Simplilearn. (n.d). “Why Blockchain Matters More Than You Think – Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Vitalik|Simplilearn.” YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVN0Ddr3xig

Tapscott, D., & Tapscott, A. (2018). Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the WorldPortfolio.

Van Rijmenam, M., & Ryan, P. (2018). Blockchain: Transforming Your Business and Our World(1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429457715

YOCoin. (n.d). “TED Talks: The Blockchain Explained Simply.” YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=KP_hGPQVLpA

“Universal Instructional Design and Universal Design for Learning | Office of Teaching and Learning.” n.d. Otl.uoguelph.ca. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://otl.uoguelph.ca/teaching-pedagogy/inclusive-teaching/universal-instructional-design-and-universal-design-learning.

“MOOC INCLTEACH1x | What Is Universal Design for Learning?” n.d. Www.youtube.com. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdmoBl3Z75I&list=PLSuwqsAnJMtx1_82aiCVLp0EnobhU1zeX&ab_channel=ColumbiaLearn.

Blog 7 – Life Long Learning

Through this lesson, I learned the great role of multimedia learning in teaching and learning, and I can even say that multimedia learning is an essential part of teaching and learning, and also let me feel the diversity of multimedia and the fun of multimedia and interactive learning. I also learned a lot about the theory of multimedia learning, which I can combine and apply in the process of producing multimedia learning, which can make my multimedia teaching more efficient and attractive.

Through its final week of study, The Clark-Kozma Debate, the debate focused on whether new media using the same pedagogy would lead to different learning outcomes. Of course two different outcomes emerged.

  1. If the teaching methods are the same, such as moving from face-to-face lectures to online classes, the learning outcomes don’t vary much.
  2. Learning outcomes can be positively and significantly impacted when newer, more effective multimedia instruction is used.

At the end, what is the next step in the development of multimedia teaching and learning. The answer is artificial intelligence. “Artificial intelligence” is a collection of computer technologies that can perform tasks that simulate human intelligence. Because artificial intelligence is more intelligent than multimedia, it can help better in classroom learning.

photo by AUTHOT 


Kozma, R. B. (1991). Learning with Media. Review of Educational Research, 61(2), 179–211. https://doi.org/10.3102/00346543061002179

The media debate. (n.d.). In EduTech Wiki. Retrieved June 19, 2020, from http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/The_media_debate

Feedback of Blog 6

Hi Zhihao

Thank you sharing your interesting and impressive blog about Evaluating Multimedia and Tools. I am very agree your point of multimedia is widely used in various fields, but each multimedia has different usefulness, so we should apply some tools to distinguish whether these multimedia are useful to us or not. And after that you clearly introduced SAMR Model and SECTIONS Model and summarized the advantages and disadvantages of these two models, which can help us more in creating teaching and learning contents. Finally, i am wondering if you can tell me more about TPACK framework, that is will be great!

link to zhihao’s post

Blog 6 – Evaluate Multimedia and Multimedia Tools

Through this week’s study, we focused on how to evaluate multimedia.Because we are exposed to different and various multimedia every day, we need to evaluate multimedia in depth.

First we applied SAMR to evaluate the multimedia,

  • Substitution: It’s like finding a direct replacement, there’s no difference in essence.
  • Augmentation: Find a tool replacement with improved functionality.
  • Modification: It is possible to make significant improvements to a task or even redesign it.
  • Redefinition: It is possible to create a completely different new task.

Secondly the SECTIONS model is used to make effective decisions about the selection and use of teaching and learning media. By reflecting on SECTIONS, we can identify the advantages and disadvantages of each technology and make a more informed choice.

  • S tudents
  • E ase of use
  • C osts
  • T eaching functions
  • I nteraction
  • O rganisational issues
  • N etworking
  • S ecurity and privacy
photo by By Dr. Serhat Kurt

According to the TPACK framework, it suggests that teachers need to understand the intersection of technology, pedagogy, and content so that they can guide and direct scholars to a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. It also describes the interactions of the various aspects thus creating TPACK.

So in conclusion I think SAMR, PTACK, and SECTION are all theory in practice, and they all have the same goal of integrating evolving technology into the classroom, but they have different emphases.


Kurt, S. (2018, May 12). TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework. Educational Technology. https://educationaltechnology.net/technological-pedagogical-content-knowledge-tpack-framework/

SECTIONS Model – Assessing Technologies in the Classroom | Scarfe Digital Sandbox. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://scarfedigitalsandbox.teach.educ.ubc.ca/sections-model-assessing-technologies-in-the-classroom/

Assignment 3 – Multimedia skills

In this assignment, I will choose my assignment 4 – How to create multimedia learning objects and artifacts to update and improve. Through these weeks, I realized that my previous borgs still have a lot of room for improvement, for example, I need to use more multimedia teaching theory in them, and I need to add more elements in them, such as infographics , screencast videos, editing videos, podcasts, interactive games, Google Earth stories, etc.

photo by instructionaldesign.org

First of all, we need to know some design ideas and principles before we start our instructional design. Accroding to Kurt’s (2015) report, The instructional design principle has 6 parts:

  1. In instructional design. Learners are the most important.
  2. Instructional design must have a clear goal
  3. Instructional design need to show in the real world
  4. Instructional design have to have a reliable and valid way to measure results
  5. Instructional design is empirical
  6. Instructional design usually requires a team effort and teamwork
photo by Marcie Hopkins, University of Utah Health

I think some active learning and gamified learning ideas can be added to our multimedia instructional design, as active learning techniques tend to lead to higher grades and long-term recall of skills and facts, and gamified learning allows for motivation and can make learning more engaging. At this point we can achieve this by doing the following (Oregon State University, 2019)

  • Teaching allows students uncover new ideas or insights
  • Opportunities for students to practice and test concepts with similar people
  • Break lectures into small, granular topics and intersperse with questions or problem-solving activities based on real-world applications
  • Consider “flipping” the classroom by asking students to read or watch lecture videos or ppt before in-person class sessions
  • Incorporate game based elements: It is important to balance game. Customize the level of challenge. Focus on open environment. Give specific formative feedback. Let students understand how the game supports learning goals. ( University of Toronto, 2021)

In our design of multimedia teaching, we also need to pay attention to inclusiveness, because there are many students who will have special needs in learning. We need to use differentiated instruction(DI). DI is a very flexible teaching method that can be used with a variety of students. Differentiated instruction is accomplished based on 6 areas. High Quality Curriculum; Ongoing Assessment; Respectful Tasks; Building Community; Flexible Grouping; and Instruction.

photo by King University Online

After understanding the design principles, it is time to use the PowerPoint to present. But showing a good PowerPoint presentation also requires attention to the following points. Accroding to David’s presentation, A good PowerPoint is as concise as possible, with one idea on a page, no more than six objects, and using illustrative images and as little text as possible, It is better not to read the PowerPoint, but to let the audience read it. Make sure the most important things on the slide are the most prominent.

  1. With one idea on a page
  2. Using illustrative images and as little text as possible
  3. It is better not to read the PowerPoint, but to let the audience read it
  4. Make sure the most important things on the slide are the most prominent.
  5. No more than 6 objects per slide


Kurt, S. “Instructional Design Models and Theories,” in Educational Technology, December 9, 2015. Retrieved from https://educationaltechnology.net/instructional-design-models-and-theories/

Oregon State University. (2019) Active Learning: What Does the Research Show. https://blogs.oregonstate.edu/inspire/2019/03/01/active-learning-what-does-the-research-show/

Game Based Learning. (2021, May) University of Toronto. https://guides.library.utoronto.ca/c.php?g=448614&p=3507705

Stansberry, S. (n.d.). Differentiated Learning with Educational Technology. In Applications of Educational Technology. Oklahoma State University Libraries. Retrieved March 13, 2021, from https://open.library.okstate.edu/applicationsofeducationaltechnology/chapter/chapter-2-differentiated-learning-with-educational-technology/

Feedback Blog 5

Hi Zhihao,

Thank you sharing your interesting and impressive blog! I am very agree your establish inclusion and deifferentiated learning’s reasion. Because in your report, More than 24.7% of British Columbia’s population over the age of 15 has some degree of disability, this number are more than our imagine, So we need to make it possible for these people to learn together as normally as we do, and our education should be very inclusive. To build inclusive and differentiated learning, as you talk about in your blog, we need to exclude, segregation, oneness and Inclusion. That is a very important point. Finally, i am wondering if you can tell me more about UDL,UID and UbD, that will be great!

Link to zhihao’s blog

Blog 5 – Inclusion & Differentiated Learning

Through this week, I have learned that when we learn to teach and produce multimedia learning methods, all learners should be able to accept or integrate into the teaching environment, including those with disabilities. This is where our multimedia teaching should be very inclusive, which means we need to include all learners in the same educational environment.Because according to the BCTF report, more than 926,100 people in B.C. have varying degrees of disability, meaning that 10% of students in every classroom have special needs.(BCTF, 2019). So designing better education models and accessibility for all students will be very important.

Backward Design (UbD) is a great way to design instruction. Through McTighe and Wiggin’s research, this approach helps students use knowledge in a meaningful way and is divided into three steps. The first step is Identify desired results; the second part is Determine assessment evidence; and the third step is Plan learning experiences and instruction.(McTighe, J.& Wiggins, G. 2013).

Differentiated Instruction (DI) is also a very good teaching method. DI is a very flexible teaching method that can be accessible to different students. Differentiated instruction is based on 6 areas to accomplish. High quality courses; Continuous Assessment; The task of respect; Building Communities; Flexible grouping; Teaching.

Teaching Online Will Make You a Better Teacher in Any Setting
photo By Kevin Gannon


Government of British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/government/about-the-bc-government/accessible-bc/disability-consultation/2019-consultation/framework-for-accessibility-legislation.pdf

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2011). The Understanding by Design guide to creating high-quality units. Alexandria,VA:ASCDhttp://udlresource.ca/2017/12/backward-design/

Stansberry, S. (n.d.). Differentiated Learning with Educational Technology. In Applications of Educational Technology. Oklahoma State University Libraries. Retrieved March 13, 2021, from https://open.library.okstate.edu/applicationsofeducationaltechnology/chapter/chapter-2-differentiated-learning-with-educational-technology/

Feedback blog 4

Hi, Zhihao

Thank you share your very detailed and amazing blog!

My new thinking after reading your post is have more comprehensive knowledge of making PowerPoint, for example, each PowerPoint should not have more than 1 viewpoint and 6 objects. Use brief text and images on the PowerPoint whenever possible. And don’t read the text on the PowerPoint, and make sure your main ideas stand out. In the end, I am wondering if you can tell me more about theoretical knowledge of Design of Multimedia Learning Objects would be nice.

Link to zhihao’s post:

Blog 4: How to Create Multimedia Learning Objects and Artifacts

In our learning process, we found that learning through multimedia is a very efficient way to learn. At the same time, if we want to have a better learning experience, we need to know more about multimedia design theory and use multimedia tools to complete.

First of all, we need to know some design ideas and principles before we start our instructional design. Accroding to Kurt’s (2015) report, The instructional design principle has 6 parts:

  1. In instructional design. Learners are the most important.
  2. Instructional design must have a clear goal
  3. Instructional design need to show in the real world
  4. Instructional design have to have a reliable and valid way to measure results
  5. Instructional design is empirical
  6. Instructional design usually requires a team effort and teamwork

After understanding the design principles, it is time to use the PowerPoint to present. But showing a good PowerPoint presentation also requires attention to the following points. Accroding to David’s presentation, A good PowerPoint is as concise as possible, with one idea on a page, no more than six objects, and using illustrative images and as little text as possible, It is better not to read the PowerPoint, but to let the audience read it. Make sure the most important things on the slide are the most prominent.


Kurt, S. “Instructional Design Models and Theories,” in Educational Technology, December 9, 2015. Retrieved from https://educationaltechnology.net/instructional-design-models-and-theories/

Feedback of “Blog 3 – How to Make People Enjoy Learning?”


Thank you for sharing your insights on how to get people to enjoy learning. After reading your post, I have a lot of new understanding, such as the fact that there are many factors that cause us to learn less efficiently in the 21st world, such as the fact that the world around us is full of temptations. And you explained in detail the difference between active and passive learning, and I agree with the idea of the problems with traditional forms of teaching passive learning and how we can achieve active learning. because The same point was made when I was researching this lesson. Finally Something I am wondering after reading your post is if you could tell us more about your views on game-based teaching.

Link to zhihao’s post:

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